WIPocalypse 2012

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Renaissance pics

So it's a rainy afternoon, the dog is snoring next to me and the little guy is happily munching lunch and watching Sesame Street. Sounds like a good time to sneak in a blog post:).

Finally got around to getting my pics from our trip to the Renaissance Faire loaded. Erich and I took my brother Adam to the Bristol Renaissance Faire two weekends ago. It was his first time and I think he liked it. Sometimes it's hard to tell with a 17 year old.

We started the day waiting with the crowd for the gates to open...

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Made it in the gate...

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Erich and me

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Erich and Adam

Saw some shows (this was from the Sturdy Beggers' Mud Show as they call it "The Greatest Show In Earth")...

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Had some food, of course there was a giant turkey leg...

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Even caught Link and Zelda having lunch- I know, not strictly Renaissance but its usually a mix of fantasy and varying degrees of historically accurate there:). Some year we're going to get it together and dress in costume but I'm sure Adam would not have gone for that. Before the trip he was deathly afraid we'd make him dress up, apparently not cool in his world.

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Of course no trip up to WI would be complete without a trip here...

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We got lots of good cheese and treats though I had to keep from snickering at the counter as I heard another customer complaining about the price of the 10 year aged cheddar. Sorry lady, aged cheddar is not old cheese that deserves a discount! She left without buying any. Oh well, more for us.

So that was our trip. It was fun but too short. Maybe we'll have to try to get up there again next year.

Not much else going on around here. I went to the doctor for a sinus infection Monday so I haven't been terribly productive (today's the first day I can actually breathe through my nose) but I have been catching up on tv and stitching! Still working on Fantasy Triptych, there's almost half a lady on that half horse...

Fantasy Triptych 7/30/13 photo 36a58f979644a55db8ca093b19597bcc_zps517b1d17.jpg

That's it until next time. Have to go back to work tomorrow but we have a family reunion and a birthday party lined up for the weekend so hopefully we'll have fun and get some good pics to share.

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