First up, Nativity by TW. I started this one in college and had one problem after another-didn't like the fabric, over one on said fabric was a pain, border was a pain, didn't like the coverage of the gold specialty thread. Looking at it now, it's so close to being done and the gold thread I wasn't fond of before really isn't that bad. I think I'm just going to finish it off with the recommended thread and be done with it already, it really is a beautiful piece.

Polar Lights Sampler by Chatelaine- This one I received as a RAK a few years ago and have worked on it many times, just never finished. I really like the colors and fabric I chose, just haven't had the urge to finish it off.

The Witch's Pantry by Lisa Cowell-Looks like I started this one back in 2006, not sure why it never got finished. I think it was one of the first pieces I really used hand-dyed threads on and wasn't particularly happy with some of the results but it is a cute piece and I do want it finished so in the pile it goes. Oh, and the fabric really is black, it was just sitting on a lighter colored surface for the pic.

Titania by Mirabilia-Another one that's a few years old and pretty far along, I believe this one of my first attempts at using hand-dyed fabric. I really like the Silkweaver I chose for it but I kind of wish I'd placed it a bit better on the fabric so more of the color change would show up in the background. Oh well, she does pop on the blue/grey fabric so I'm still pretty happy with her.

QS Pegasus and Castle Bubble by HAED/Josephine Wall- One of the first HAED projects I attempted and one of my tryout pieces for fabric count. The one is on 25ct and I wasn't fond of the coverage at first or the confetti and it just got set aside for other more interesting projects. I've been working on it since the beginning of the year now though so I'm anxious to show my progress come the 9th.

Dragon Moon by HAED/Lisa Victoria- Started it, got interested in other things. I plan to work on it this year but I know it's probably not reasonable to expect to finish.

Skeleton Crew by Crossed Eyed Cricket-Another one so close to being finished! Probably would have this finished if I hadn't gotten hung up on the color of the moon. The recommended color looks so green to me but I think I'm going to try it out with the rest of the piece and see how the finished piece looks. Guess I can always frog it if I have to.

Fish City by Stoney Creek- Started right after I finished Noah's Sub, guess I was in the mood for another big project and was feeling pretty ambitious too as I wanted to change some of the colors and fishes in this one to make it a little more colorful. I still do and want to make progress but probably not finish this year.

Garden of Wishes by HAED/Molly Harrison- Again, want to make progress but not necessarily finish in 2012.

Watergarden by Chatelaine-There's a spot on a wall begging for this, it's definitely one I want to finish in 2012.

Celtic Cross by TW- I don't usually include smalls in my WIP list but seeing as this is a TW, it's no ordinary small and it needs to get finished too. It would be nice to actually have an ornament on my tree that I stitched myself.

The Storyteller by TW- The oldest WIP on my list was started in high school, at least 15 years ago. It got put aside because I got bored with the border and got busy with school and life. I would love to finish and frame it.

And I think that's it for now. Everything else on the list hasn't been started yet so no pics there. I'm hoping to get about 6 HD's out of this list in 2012 but anything knocked off the list is progress. We'll see how cooperative life is this year.
Lots of great projects, Sara! Looking forward to seeing your progress!
Wow! Those are some huge projects. I am looking forward to seeing your progress through the year. Happy Stitching!
Good luck on your WIP's! They look to be biggies and ones that will be beautiful when they are done!
WOW! Great WIP's =D
Wonderful list, Sara! I completed "Storyteller" and I can sympathize with you about the border. It was a long haul. Keep at it, it's SO worth it when it's finished!
Your WIPs are all so beautiful. And so many are close to HDs! I'll be watching for your progress.
I remember Storyteller! That really seems like it was forever ago.
Ambitious projects, lots of BAP's in there.
Just so you know, you're linked to my old blog not the Wordpress one.
Thoughtful blog, thanks for sharing
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