WIPocalypse 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fish City grew again

I think I'm getting kinda close to rightly being able to call it a city now.  It features multiple buildings, several fish, even the start of a billboard...

Fish City 7/26/12

Time to say good-bye to the fishies for awhile and tackle the creatures above water, pirate dragons sailing ships to be specific:) Until next time!


Sally said...


Just found your lovely blog.
Your fishes project is lovely.
Happy weekend.

Jo said...

Looking great. I've still not decided about the opening ceremony tonight. We've had nothing but hype for months, and for the first time ever I'm not looking forward to the Olympics! At least I don't live in London, and have no plans to visit anytime soon ( we were there for a party last weekend)

Bonnie Brown said...

Looking good!!!!
Really need to work on mine a bit... Silly school :(