WIPocalypse 2012

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Lots of pics today!

And then I'm going to take a nap. The dog got me up way too early after a late night stitching marathon last night. First up, Leland in his Halloween costume which he didn't really mind as long as we didn't put up the ghostie hood...

Leland and Sara 10/31/08

Leland the Ghost 10/31/08

And yes, that really is me in the first pic.

So what kept me up so late last night? That would be Skeleton Crew. I'm stitching it on Silkweaver's Shadowbrook which is just perfect to create kind of an old mappish feeling. Not too much to show but I only started in October. That sail is deceiving though, took forever to get through all that white!

SKeleton Crew 11/1/08

It's been awhile since I posted one of QS Believe so here's an update on that one. I finally finished filling in all the confetti on that butterfly wing. Almost halfway there!

QS Believe 11/1/08

And finally, TW's Nativity. The lighting wasn't the best but I managed to get a good clear pic this time with the digital camera.

Nativity 11/1/08

And here's a closeup of the border, my last hurdle to a happy dance! I'm still not really satisfied with the gold Kreinik cord in the border but I'll let it sit a bit and come back to it.

Nativity Border 11/1/08

That's it for now. Hope you all had a spooky Halloween:)


Karen said...

Aw, how cute! He does look a little unsure about being a Ghost, though. ;) It's so nice to see you and put a face to the name! Looks like you've been busy stitching! Everything looks wonderful.

Tama said...

WOW - you've certainly been busy! and your doggie looks adorable! and big! I luff big dogs :D

Glenda said...

It's nice to "meet" you!