WIPocalypse 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stitching Update

I promise there are still a couple of vacation posts in the works, the hang-up right now is that we figured out how to get the pics online but it wipes them off the camera and we haven't had time to print them yet so we've been showing them off on the camera. Oh well, maybe this weekend Leland will take a nap and I'll get to it!

He's doing well, by the way. Very much a puppy, but I wouldn't have him any other way. I must brag though that we took him to PetSmart the other night because we needed to get a few more indestructible type dog toys and a new collar (we had to adjust the first one to the max already!!) and he was the best dog there:) He really surprised me and it was a good thing too because we'd just had him at Erich's grandparents' and he was a monster so I was not a happy mommy. He walked very nicely on his leash and sat next to my feet while we looked at things. Several people asked to pet him and he did very well with them. I'm still getting used to that kind of attention but it's interesting to hear what breed people think he is. Most are sure he's a Pit Bull. Oh well, we try to educate them.

But back to the stitching- I got a ton done during vacation and quite a bit since then too although I have slowed down a bit since getting Leland. Gotta love those puppy naps though!

I've mostly been working on HAEDs lately and worked exclusively on QS Pegasus and Castle Bubble during vacation. I kind of felt sorry for it since I neglected it during the March SAL Challenge weekend. I'm working my way through that castle bubble though and can really start to see the castle now:

QS Pegasus and Castle Bubble 4/17/07

I've also been stitching like crazy on QS Dragonfly and participated in the recent Creature SAL with this piece. I really like the way the wing is turning out though I'm not looking forward to the sparklies again. Doesn't matter what kind I use, I just don't like sparkly stitching over 1. I do it though because I love the end result.

QS Dragonfly 4/12/07

I've put both pieces down for a few days though so I can finish my piece for the Dragon Dreams Exchange I'm signed up for. I really like the fabric I've chosen and can't wait to show off a pic. Come on May!!


Arthemise said...

Your HAEDs look great! They just take time...so much time... :-)

Christine S said...

Wow, both of your pieces look wonderful!! You've been making excellent progress!

Carolyn said...

Your WIPs look great. Just a few random stitches, and that castle will pull together beautifully. :)

Anonymous said...

Your WIP's look stunning, and I bet that you are proud of the pup. *HUGS*